December 9, 2013

So I woke up one morning to a beeping sound. I got out of bed and searched for the source. It was cold, quite cold and our heater had not been working for several weeks. It was 5:00 am and the previous day we had heard much talk about an "ice storm" coming. Well, turns out that it had hit and hard, too. I went to flip on a light and nothing happened. I went to other rooms and tried those but none of our lights would turn on. In fact, there was no electricity in the apartment whatsoever and it was the first day after a raging ice storm. Everything was covered in thick sheets of ice!
We had no heat, so we were ordered to head to our zone leaders apartment and stay there until further notice! As we waited for one of the members of the ward who had a four wheel drive truck to pick us up, we could feel the temperature dropping even as we spoke. We were at the zone leaders place for about 24 hours with four missionaries in one apartment. Although it was not cramped, we still got cabin fever.
Texan cows have too much grit to let a little ice stop 'em! |
In Texas, there is humidity and wind, which means that when it falls to 20 degree weather, it renders your coats and windbreakers useless. The cold goes right to your bones. Luckily, there is now a thaw and the roads are [uhh..] "safe" and things are considerably warmer.
The pictures will look like snow, but it is all ice and it was dangerous! Both Elder Kowalis and I have fallen and hurt ourselves already! I got pics of a few higher end nice cars covered in icicles. I was like a kid, playing in the ice, sliding around, breaking rows of icicles with a swipe of my hand. I have learned something about myself: I love winter and I love the cold! The colder it is, the more I like it. The wetter it is the more I like it and the windier it is the more I enjoy it. This is something I never realized while in sunny warm So-Cal.
So I am getting transferred! I am going to Frisco Ward and WE HAVE A CAR!! I also will be working in the Young Single Adult ward and covering young single adults in all of Frisco. Apparently, this new area is even more affluent than Plano, something I have a hard time believing. I don't know my new address but I will send a letter ASAP when I get there. I will be with one "Elder Sharp" and I have heard good things about him.
Hope y'all have a most meerrryy CHRISTmas! Please know that I love each of you...
Elder Hunt